oppor9 怎么弄英文系统

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How to Switch Your Oppo R9 to English System for Better Navigation and Apps Have you recently purchased an Oppo R9 but are currently struggling with the language settings? Don't worry, you're not alone. Setting up an English system on an Oppo R9 may seem difficult at first, but with these easy steps, you can switch to the English language in no time. Before we dive into the steps, let's take a quick overview of Oppo R9's language settings: Oppo R9 is equipped with the ColorOS 3.0 operating system that has an intuitive interface with vital navigation and engagement options. It is important to understand that the Oppo R9 is programmed with Chinese as its default language. Although ColorOS has a multilingual option, English is not set as the primary language. Hence, you need to follow these steps to change your Oppo R9 to an English system. Step 1: Accessing Settings To change the language settings, go to the main screen and swipe down the Notification panel. Tap the 'Gear icon' to access the Settings menu. Once you're on the settings page, scroll down to the last option, and you'll see 'System Updates.' Step 2: System Updates Choose 'System Update' and check for system updates, just in case your device is outdated. If any update is available, proceed with the update before proceeding to the next step. Step 3: Language and Region After updating your phone, go back to the main Settings page and scroll to the first option, 'Language and Region.' Pick the 'Language' option and scroll down through the list of languages until you find 'English.' Once you've found it, tap it, select 'Ok' to set English as the default language. Step 4: Restart As soon as you've chosen English as your preferred language, the interface language on your Oppo R9 will be English. You will then need to restart your phone by tapping 'Restart now.' Benefits of Changing to English Language By changing your Oppo R9's language to English, you'll be able to navigate and access its features more easily. This will help you to improve the efficiency of the device and make use of its apps more conveniently. Some benefits of switching to an English system include: 1. Improved Communication Though Oppo R9 has an AI Personal Assistant feature that supports over 100 languages, the language barrier can still be tough. By using English as the main language, you can communicate effortlessly and enjoy a seamless experience without relying on translating tools. 2. Better Apps Navigation By switching to English, navigating through the operating system and apps becomes more accessible. Furthermore, you can use a wide range of apps that are not exclusively accessible in the Chinese language. 3. Simplified Online Experience English is a dominant language in virtually all online platforms. By modifying your Oppo R9 language settings to English, you can enjoy social media networks like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other apps with an English-based interface. Conclusion Switching your Oppo R9's language to English may seem like a daunting task, but it's relatively simple once you've gone through the steps. With this article, you've learned that it is essential to keep your ColorOS up to date and how to access its system updates. Also, changing your device's language settings to English can help you better navigate through your apps and interface, improving your overall mobile experience.

oppor9 怎么弄英文系统-第1张图片-皇冠信用盘出租

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